Mind – Your Own Business

That’s a perfect start for this blog.

We all focus on everything we do.We pay attention to the basics, methods, strategies of anything that we wanna learn and know.

But how many times we focus on the mind itself?

Almost never.

Why has this been happening?One of the reasons is mind is scared of the unknown.

Unknown means uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable means avoid.

That’s why we avoid.

Our mind is where the action happens.Everything is stored, processed, decided in the mind.If that’s the case, how can we not learn about the nature of the mind, if such a concept even exist?

I know. It’s understandable.

Paying attention to your mind to know about the mind is just impossible when you’re busy in your daily life.

And on top of that, mind will do a lot of tricks to keep you diverted from watching it.

Why should I know about my mind?What’s the need?

It’s like why should I know how to drive a vehicle?Or why should I know how to grow a tree?

Because you can just do what’s required right away instead of wasting time, energy by not knowing.